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  • March 15, 2023

If You Started a Delivery Business, What Would Be Your Jam?

No doubt Americans appreciate a good delivery service. We love the whole idea of delivery in general. And because we love it so much, there are lots of companies making a ton of money doing it. So just for giggles, here’s a question: if you were to start a delivery company, what would be your jam?

Below are descriptions of some of the most popular types of delivery services in America. All of them are big money makers. Undoubtedly, there are others this author has not even thought of. Service providers are willing to deliver just about anything to our front doors.

1. Packages

If there is one type of delivery that really defines the service as a whole, it would have to be package delivery. This is a crowded space to get into. For starters, you have the big boys: the USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL. et al. And then Read the rest