gender test

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  • January 20, 2023

What is the gender of my child?

During a pregnancy, you naturally want everything to go well. You want to bring the baby into the world in a healthy way, and you often succeed. But chances are you also have a lot of questions about the pregnancy. Many parents-to-be want to know the sex of their baby. Some parents keep it as a surprise and wait until the baby is born. Are you expecting a baby, and would you like to know the sex during the pregnancy? If so, this can be done during the 20-week ultrasound, but it is not always possible. This is because the doctor does not always look at the child’s gender and mainly looks at physical abnormalities. Do you still want to know the child’s sex? Then a gender test is ideal for this, but how does it work? Below, we tell you all about it, so you can find out more.Read the rest